Author Archives: dathoang

Growing Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya orchids are also known as the ‘Queen of Orchids‘. They come in lovely, large, pink, blousy orchid flowers and represent most people’s idea of what an orchid flower should look like. The Cattleya orchid flowers are some of the most beautiful exotic fragrance flowers and vary in colors from the beautiful lavenders to deep reds, whites, yellows […]

Caring for Orchids

One of the main considerations that should be taken into account when deciding on cultivating orchids is that the conditions that you can offer the orchids must approximately match their natural habitat. You may take extraordinary measures to keep your orchid plants alive and it will still refrain from thriving if the environment that you can offer […]

Growing Ascocenda Orchids

The Ascocenda Orchid is a fascinating orchid species that is represented by the most handsome large orchid plants and an equally wide variety of beautiful orchid flowers. This orchid is not very different from the Vanda orchid and the Phalaenopsis orchid in all these orchids are tropical orchids that thrive as warm-climate orchids. As an orchid grower you will always want to […]

Growing Leopard Orchid (Ansellia africana)

Growing Ansellia africana orchids The African Ansellia is commonly known as the Leopard Orchid. It is not difficult to see the rationale behind the common name when one takes a look at the Ansellia africana orchid, named in honor of John Ansell who discovered the first specimens when he embarked on an expedition on the Niger river. Some orchid enthusiasts claim […]